We specialize in finding, analyzing and obtaining public and non-public records around the nation. We provide our professional services to private and public businesses, attorney groups, bankers, finance and mortgage lenders, as well as other research and investigative firms. Our team, at the Accu-Facts Company, makes it possible for businesses of any scale to order and receive all the information they need through a powerful, comprehensive, and efficient public record search process, on every job.

Authentic on-site courthouse research and document retrieval includes any and all types of public records, from local, state and federal jurisdictions, and authorized information from non-public sources too.THE_COURTHOUSE

We know firsthand the importance of having complete and up-to-date information available to your team when screening potential employees. Security is, and will remain to be, of paramount importance to many companies. That’s why we believe in providing a flexible service that addresses the unique issues our clients might have with a work order or special request for vital information.

Our value proposition is helping you avoid unintended consequences and we facilitate confidence that our services provide accurate, complete information, with a trusted partner that is delivered to you, at an affordable price.

  • Civil Litigation Filings, Suits, Judgements, Liens, Federal Tax Liens, and Miscellaneous filings, of any kind.
  • Criminal History and Conviction records, Original Complaints, Dispositions, Open Warrants and/or Violations of Probation are reported on every job.
  • Chancery Court research for business filings, Shareholder actions, Class actions, or Mergers and Acquisitions, with daily service in Wilmington, Delaware.
  • Corporation Bureau records, official State Level filings, Articles of Incorporation, Amendments, Appellate Court filings and Miscellaneous filings too.
  • Real Property records, Current Owner research, Deeds, Mortgages, Assignments, Lis Pendens (where applicable) or Foreclosure filings.

Electronic process and basic online database findings still need to be supported with an authentic case file inspection. The real FACTS are in the “Case File”!  Actionable information gives you the certainty you need to make your business decision.  Online “database” resources are a relevant “Source” to quantify public record data, but it is not the same is a personal, on site inspection of the original file directly, at jurisdictions nationwide. By combining up–to-date, authentic file information, matching data found from multiple databases, along with expert analysis of that data, we are then able to bring you a superior public record search service, for every job. Clients have gained our trust, while our reputation is one that other public record search providers are unable to meet.  

We can provide the exceptional service to locate the original filing (or multiple filings), to identify the case entries and Court Orders needed; while we also provide complete, authentic and accurate photocopies, as desired: Docket History Printouts, individual Docket Entries, Exhibits and Attachments, Official Orders, Dispositions or Appeal documents.  We deliver all the vital data you need timely and accurately.

No matter what document you may need, we can find it, obtain the necessary original case file copies, and deliver it to you promptly.  Results are provided in the format you desire.  Same Day to 36-Hour delivery is customary, in most instances.  Our company believes in bringing consistent results that our clients can count on to help keep their businesses safe, we streamline the screening process for their human resources team, and we offer nationwide research and document retrieval.  

Place your Order today and get your transaction completed now!
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